Ashley Prichard

My research focuses on the intersection between neuroscience and behavior across species and age 


I am a scientist and educator with primary research interests in the overlapping areas of animal cognition, behavior, and neuroscience.  

Currently I am a Research Biologist at the Atlanta VA Medical Center in the Center for Visual and Neurocognitive Rehabilitation. There, I was awarded a 5 year Career Development Award or CDA2 investigating noninvasive audiovisual neurostimulation as as a potential treatment for neuropathology in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease with Dr. Machelle Pardue.

I am affiliated with Dr. Annabelle Singer in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

My future research will examine conserved neural mechanisms altered by neurodegenerative disease to influence learning and memory across species and age


Postdoctoral Fellow in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology in the lab of Dr. Annabelle Singer.

Emory Goizueta  Alzheimer's Disease Research Center Research Education Component Trainee 2022-

Ph.D. in Psychology at Emory University  in the Neuroscience and Animal Behavior program. In the lab of Dr. Gregory Berns, I investigated perceptual and reward processes in dogs through awake, unrestrained functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). 

Masters degree in Psychology at University of North Carolina Wilmington under Dr. Kate Bruce and Dr. Mark Galizio investigating odor concepts and behavioral pharmacology of the odor span task in rodents.

Bachelors degree in Psychology at Christopher Newport University working in the labs of Dr. Andrew Velkey and Dr. Jason Hart


In 2022 I became a Georgia Certified Beekeeper

AKA - fascinating eusocial species that also produce honey